My sister and I became health nuts over 10 years ago, but things got much more serious when I suddenly faced an autoimmune condition. Food became medicine and processed products went out! I was incredibly thankful for the power of nature. Yet I did crave the crunchy chips, the cookies, the cake... All the stuff we think is “normal food,” with ingredients that are hard to pronounce and digest. Looking out for me, my sister, Luisana, found amaranth. Together we discovered the amazing efforts in South America to recover this ancient superfood. We could not believe the possibilities that this delicious, nutty seed offers. 

When our dad got sick and passed away, we became more determined than ever to prioritize and share health. Our mission became to share simple, nutritious foods with everyone. We partnered up with a community of artisans in Mexico who work to recover their own health, traditions, and sovereignty. They pour love and dedication into each product and we are honored to work with them to get these healthy snacks to many. 

We know a healthier world is possible. Healthier bodies, healthier minds, and healthier communities. A world where traditional wisdom makes a comeback. 

Stay tuned for a year of new flavors, new products, and eco-friendly packaging as our small business expands. 


Land's Food's mission is to nourish people and the planet. We believe that natural, nutritious foods should be accessible to all. Each snack is made with simple ingredients from the land and provides the right fuel for your body and mind to thrive. We are transforming snacks and cravings into a self-love experience that is guilt-free.